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Welcome to the Institute of Translational Medicine

The Institute of Translational Medicine (ITM) provides a home for all researchers committed to translating their basic science findings and novel technologies into medical applications, and thus engage in finding solutions to solve major clinical and societal challenges.

The ITM supports these efforts with knowledge, infrastructure and specific partnerships. It provides collaborative networks of clinicians and medical institutions in Zurich and Switzerland, as well as internationally.

Our goal is to undertake systematic research into the science of translation, as well as to learn how to accelerate the transfer of discoveries into new medical diagnostic and therapeutic solutions. Thereby, we help to sustain and improve the quality of life for people into old age. The knowledge created lays the foundations for educating the next generation of researchers, engineers and clinicians.


Learn more about our work at the Institute of Translational Medicine in below video:


ETH News on Translational Medicine

Origin of Life: How microbes laid the foundation for complex cells

Visualisation of the thread-shaped skeleton sculptures

Who were our earliest ancestors? The answer could lie in a special group of single-celled organisms with a cytoskeleton similar to that of complex organisms, such as animals and plants. ETH researchers made these findings in a new study.

by Peter Rüegg, Corporate Communications

Could the layout of trees impact human health?

This picture shows a Zurich neighborhood with trees from a bird's eye view.

A long-term Switzerland-wide study has found that neighbourhoods with numerous, well-arranged trees exhibit lower mortality risks than other areas. The reasons behind this, and the factors that play a role, will require further research.

by Vanessa Bleich, Corporate Communications

News from the Institute

ETH Zurich Future Maker - Dr. Noé Brasier

Will sweat sensors become our everyday companions? Dr. Noé Brasier - ETH Researcher in the recent issue of ETH stories from around the Globe, becoming ETH Ambassador.

Dr. Oscar Matzinger: Award of the Title "Professor of Practice"

Dr. Oscar Matzinger has been appointed as Professor of Practice in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich.


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