SPHN Advances Precision Health: Standardizing Data for Breakthroughs in Swiss Healthcare
Revolutionizing Swiss healthcare, SPHN standardizes diverse university hospital data for precision medicine. National Data Streams propel innovations in infection detection, oncology, and pediatrics. Collaborative efforts redefine personalized health research, enabling groundbreaking advancements for patient care and outcomes.
Understanding cancer MMoA
A recently published paper in Nature Communications describes drugs targeting cancerous stem cells in blood of myelofibrosis patients and molecular mechanisms driving these drug responses. The paper was written as a collaboration of the following labs: Wollscheid (ITM), Snijder (IMSB), Theocharides (USZ), Lopes (UZH), and Skoda (USB).
NEXT-Generation Digital Biomarkers
With more than 400 participants, our NEXT Seminar on 05.10.23 created an effective platform to bring together researchers from all over the world. Scientists from the USA, UK, Germany and Switzerland presented their latest results on next-generation digital biomarkers and their technology.
The Challenges for Regulating Medical Use of ChatGPT and Other Large Language Models
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the practice of healthcare presents regulators with the challenge of reviewing novel uses of this technology. A viewpoint article from Professor Effy Vayena.
Sweating the biological age
Originally a student project - now official cover of the journal "Trends in Biotechnology"! Congratulations to MedLab Fellow Noé Brasier, MD, and all the researchers who contributed to this great publication success.