NEXT-Generation Digital Biomarkers
With more than 400 participants, our NEXT Seminar on 05.10.23 created an effective platform to bring together researchers from all over the world. Scientists from the USA, UK, Germany and Switzerland presented their latest results on next-generation digital biomarkers and their technology.
The event was organized and led by Noé Brasier, MD, MedLab Fellow at the Institute of Translational Medicine and Early-career fellow at Collegium Helveticum in Zurich, and Prof. Dr. Jörg Goldhahn, head of the Institute for Translational Medicine and chair of the steering board of the digital Trial Intervention Platform (dTIP). The team from dTIP also led the discussion on “why the integration of patients into the development process is essential, how to improve the quality and efficiency of clinical trials, and strategies to overcome regulatory hurdles for wearable devices and digital.” The opportunity for networking was actively used during the break and the aperitif. We would like to thank all speakers, our sponsors, our audience, and all participants for the interesting presentations, discussions, and conversations.
Topics covered during the seminar
1. Next-generation Wearable Devices
Wearable Electrochemical Sensors: Emerging Capabilities and Future Challenges
Prof. Dr. Joseph Wang | UCSD, USA (remote talk)
Skin-Interface Wearable Biosensors
Prof. Dr. Wei Gao | CalTech, USA
Wearable Breath Analysis
Dr. Can Dincer | University of Freiburg, D
Flexible and Stretchable Sensors for Physiological Monitoring and Rehabilitation
Prof. Dr. Firat Güder | Imperial College London, UK
2. Translational Science
How to successfully involve patients into the innovation process
Ivo Schauwecker | President of EUPATI Switzerland & ETH Zurich, CH
A framework for developing digital biomarkers based on CTTI recommendations
Prof. Dr. Jörg Goldhahn | ETH Zurich, CH
From Labs to Lives: Integrating Research and Regulatory Insights to Drive Innovation and Patient Impact
Dr. Dietmar Schaffarczyk | ETH Zurich, CH
3. Bringing Wearable Biofluid Analysis to the Market
Wearable Systems with Integrated Microfluidics and Biosensors for Remote Hydration Management
Prof. Dr. Roozbeh Ghaffari | CEO Epicore Biosystems & Northwestern University, USA
Soft, Skin-Interfaced Electronic Sensors in Medicine
Prof. Dr. John Rogers | Northwestern University, USA (remote talk)
Please find the detailed programme Download here (PDF, 1.3 MB)